Taking part in the TIGER study

What is involved in taking part in this study?

  • You will speak with a researcher (by telephone or video call) and if you’re happy and able to continue, complete a form confirming you’d like to take part.
  • We will complete a questionnaire with you over the telephone (or video call) and send you another questionnaire to complete at home.

Baseline appointment (at your or a nearby GP surgery):

  • We will ask you to complete a short questionnaire about your child’s eczema. A researcher will assess your child’s skin and their growth.
  • A computer will put (“randomise”) you into one of two groups. One group will receive standard care from their GP plus our “Good eczema care” leaflet. The other group will also get this leaflet plus dietary advice based on food allergy tests.

Follow up after you join the study:

  • Every month for 9 months we will ask you to complete a questionnaire about your child’s eczema symptoms, treatment use and diet.
  • We will arrange to meet with you and your child again after 6 months to reassess your child’s skin and their growth.


We will ask some participants if they’d be willing to:

  • Talk to a researcher about their treatment and experience of taking part in this study.
  • Donate a saliva sample so that we we can do some further research into what genes are linked with eczema and/or food allergy.